Monday, February 22, 2010

Today's Update: A "10" on a "10-Scale"

Today we had our quarterly visit to the Moffitt Cancer Center.

Our first stop: Cindy had a CT scan, followed by an MRI. The reason for these two tests:
  • Check her lungs to see if the sarcoma is reappearing. If it does return, the lungs are typically the first place it will be visible.
  • Check Cindy's liver to see if the growth that was biopsied in December has grown. It was not deemed to be cancerous at that time, but if it grows, they may want to biopsy it again.
  • Check Cindy's kidneys. Since she has been diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney failure (there are only four stages) from all the chemo she received, they need to ensure the kidneys are still functioning properly.
Below, Cindy and I, along with her brother, Warren (photographer extrodinaire), are on our way to the testing area.

Once Cindy completed her MRI and CAT scan, we went to meet with the battery of doctors who typically see us on our visits. Of course, the first person to meet us was Christine, who you may remember is the physician who worked with Cindy and was with us when Cindy took her very first step without her "other" leg.

Then the other doctors began to arrive...and each gave us great news!

  • Cindy's lungs are clear. There are no signs of growth.
  • The growth in her liver has not expanded in 6 months. They will take one more MRI three months from now. If it still hasn't grown by then, they will stop checking as they will be certain it is not cancerous.
  • Her kidneys look great and they are functioning at a normal level!
Along with this great news, they also removed all of the stitches in Cindy's leg. It is healing extremely well and there is no sign of infection. She will be on IV antibiotics for two more weeks and then she will no longer have to take any antibiotics (IV or oral).

The picture below is Christine, Jay (the nurse who stayed with Cindy and held her hand during surgery) and us.

WARNING: If you are squeemish, you may not want to look at the picture below as it shows "Little Lu" in all its glory. For us, we think it looks great, but not everyone reacts the same way to something that is a bit out of the ordinary.

If you don't wish to look at the picture, you may wish to leave the blog now. We understand completely. We are posting the picture because this is Cindy. Note the smile on her face. She is happy and healthy...and for us that is all that matters.

So with that in mind, I will end the blog above the last picture. Cindy begins physical therapy on Friday. At that time, she will be fitted for a prosthesis...we can't wait!

I will report more at that time, if not sooner.


  1. So glad to hear all the great news!!!! And Little Lou looks great !! I guess next time I see you, you will be walking :)


  2. So happy for you! Great news! Feel good! Celebrate! Thinking of you and your courage,

  3. I absolutely love you. Such wonderful news, and I am completely, and without any doubt whatsoever, JEALOUS that Warren is there. (I love you brother!)...
    What a great day....Thank you Rob, for always taking the time to let us know how everything is.
    Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice!!!!!

  4. What spendiferous news!!!! A great day...hope you got to go out and celebrate once again. Have a great time visiting with Uncle Warren! *wavin hello*

    Love and miss you guys! Sending big hugs and lots of kisses on this wonderful day!

  5. Ok, so the comment I tried to leave yesterday got vaporized into cyberspace. Weirdness.

    It went something like this:

    I'm so happy that all is well. Little Lu looks great! I can't wait to hear all about the cool new leg you'll be getting. You are so close!

    Love you both!

  6. Dear Little Lu,
    Welcome to the Harris family. Thank you for healing so quickly as Cindy has places to go and people to see. Soon you will have a wonderful accessory to wear, you will need to be strong as Cindy pushes you, but you can do it. Please continue to heal, grow strong, and be very proud to carry the name "Little Lu".
    Love You
