Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back to Work!

Cindy is successfully transitioning back to the gainfully employed population...another major leap forward in her mission to return to as normal a lifestyle as possible.

Though it is challenging and takes her longer to get ready in the morning, she is able to do so.

Physical therapy continues to go well, with the hope that she will have a leg to take home by the end of the week (no promises have been made).

When that day occurs, it will be a monumental celebration for all of us...and when I say all of us, I mean every one of you that have followed the blog, offered kindness, support and words of encouragement and especially love & friendship throughout. Without you, it would have made for a much more challenging ordeal.

Though the journey is not over, the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming extremely bright...and exciting!

More good news to come...soon!


  1. Congrats on being back among the working, Cindy! Hope it's going well and that you're enjoying being back. :-)

    We love you!

  2. Yippee!!!! Hope all is going well and that you are enjoying the "normalcy".

    Love to all!!!!
