Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Minor Setback

Cindy has been experiencing a great deal of pain while wearing the prosthesis.

Her physical therapist recommended she have it checked out at Moffitt. The possibility exists that some of the muscled that were sewn up during the amputation may have torn lose. There is a bit of a lump that is noticable and he is concerned.

We have an appointment at Moffitt tomorrow morning for an X-ray and consultation with the surgical team. In speaking with them, we were informed that nobody believes it's cancer.

I'll update the blog when we return from the appointment.


  1. Big hugs to Cindy. Hope they get it figured out quickly and get her back on her feet. Update when you can.

  2. I hope everything is ok!!! I'll be waiting for the up-date. Give her hugs for me.

    Love ya,

  3. Thanks, Rob, for the update. CINDY--we love you and continue to think positive thoughts for you...
    Hugs and love to both of you.
