Thursday, June 24, 2010

Evening Update

Not much new to report. The blood pressure issue continues. No answers yet as to what it may be. The great news is the EKG is normal. They are running more tests to see "what's up" (that there is medical terminology!).

Cindy's spirits are good but she is still very groggy. She is eating a bit more each meal and her personality is returning when she is awake.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will not be sending her to the ICU like they did previously when this happened. That said, obviously I have no idea when we will be going home, but I am fairly certain it will not be tomorrow.


  1. I hope things are going better today. Tell her all is well here and Bosco misses her! Let us know if you need anything. Judi

  2. Hi Cindy!

    I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that I'm following your progress on your blog. I hope the pain meds keep you happy and that you are able to come home soon! See you in Orlando soon.


