Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I had the opportunity to spend about 30 minutes with Cindy after surgery. She was doing well, but very tired and sleepy. The recovery room was so packed I was asked to leave as they needed my sitting space for more patients. As such, I have not seen her for awhile and not sure when I will be able to see her again.

The hospital is so crowded that we may not be able to get a room tonight. The results will be that they will likely move Cindy into the Intensive Care Unit...not because she needs to be there, but because it is an open space so she does not have to remain in Recovery overnight.

In the past, when Cindy was in Intensive Care, I was able to sleep in their waiting room. Unfortunately, they changed the rules and no longer allow it. I will likely wait until late tonight and either get a room at a hotel or drive home to Orlando, catch a few hours of sleep and return in the morning.

The great news is that Cindy's vital signs are sound. She typically does not do well with surgery and her BP drops dramatically. That did not happen this time. What a relief! For me, this was the most stressful part of the present/upcoming ordeal. The next task is to keep her happy and thinking positively.

Any and all communications from you all will go a long way toward achieving this goal. Please feel free to post comments on the blog so Cindy can read them when she is able.


  1. Good to hear you were able to get to see her! And that she tolerated surgery well. Great thing about ICU if she goes there for a bed, she will get great one on one attention there! Not quite the upscale bed and breakfast, but better than the average room. Just kinda stinks that you won't be able to stay with her. Hopefully, they will get in her in a room that you will be able to stay in with her real soon. Here's to a good night's rest for the both of you and on to a brighter tomorrow!

    We love you both!! Thanks for the updates.

  2. Thanks for the updates, I'm so happy the vitals are behaving. Do yourself a favor and get a hotel room, you need the rest, not the stress of driving back and forth right now....I think Cindy would tell you the same thing. :)

  3. Rob,

    You and Cindy have been in my thoughts all day. I'm glad the surgery is over and that Cindy came through it okay. The two of you have shown such courage and determination as you have faced these challenges. I am sure you are an inspiration to many-I know you are to me!


  4. What wonderful news. Rob, as the caregiver take this time to take care of yourself too. Cindy is in good hands in ICU, get some rest...I know, easier said then done. She'll need all of you in the days ahead. Give her a hug from NC and tell her we promise next time we are in FL we have a date. God speed. Fred and Jeannie

  5. Robster,

    We have been thinking and praying for teh two of you all day. Glad to hear it went well and the IV should take care of any remaining infection. Keep writing and sharing

    Mark and Cheryl

  6. get some much needed rest for a job well done brother
